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Home All news items {{item}} {{item.label}} Manual frequency restoration and replacement reserves: results of the call for tenders 2024 {{vm.currentItem}}

RTE has selected seven balancing service providers for the provision of manual frequency restoration and replacement reserves in 2024.

Launched on July 12th, the call for tenders for contracting a part of the manual frequency restoration and replacement reserves required for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2024 led to the selection of seven companies by RTE: Agregio, Alpiq Energie France, EDF, Energy Pool Développement, Engie, Flexcity and Smart Grid Energy.

The need expressed by RTE (750MW) has been fully met. The total amount of the contracting is 16.9 M€, with a manual frequency restoration reserve price of 12.8 M€ and a replacement reserve price of 4.1 M€.

As a reminder, the remaining 750 MW will be contracted through a day-ahead call for tenders.

Through these calls for tenders, industries, storage facilities and generation units participating in manual frequency restoration and rapid reserves benefit from additional remuneration, in exchange for permanent provision of their balancing capacity (24 hours/day and 7 days/week). Through this means they contribute to the safety of operation and management of the supply-demand balance of the power system.

For more information, see the release on the launch of the call for tenders 2024 or the page dedicated to manual frequency restoration and replacement reserve on the RTE customer service portal. Weekly marginal prices, retained volumes and data relating to anonymous bids are published here.

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