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New yearly auction on FR-IT for business year 2025 to be held between 19th of September and 26th of September 2024.
RTE and TERNA are pleased to inform you that for the business year 2025 an additional yearly auction will be held in September 2024 for long-term transmission rights (LTTR) on the FR-IT border. This auction does not replace the ones held regularly in December. It is intended as an additional opportunity for market operators to anticipate the procurement of LTTR.
The auction will open on 19th of September 2024 13:50 and it will last for one week, closing on 26th September 2024 13:50.
Please note the following information for this particular auction:
• This first auction’s yearly product will amount to 300 MW in the direction FR to IT.
• This September 2024 first auction’s yearly product will only be offered in the FR to IT direction (annual product IT to FR will only be auctioned in the December auction).
• No reductions will be applied to this product (Base flat product).
Apart from the abovementioned specifics, the auction will follow the same rules as the regular yearly auction of December.
If you have any questions or remarks, please submit them to or by 8th of August.
July 18th 2024