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Home All news items {{item}} {{item.label}} Annual auctions on France-Belgium and France-Germany borders for 2024 {{vm.currentItem}}

For the delivery year 2024, the annual capacity on the France-Belgium and France-Germany borders will be split into two separate auctions.

As part of the transition to winter 2024, following a request from the French regulator (CRE) and after a public consultation which gathered Market Participants’ views, we are pleased to announce that the annual capacity on France-Belgium border, as well as on France-Germany border, for the delivery year 2024 will be split and offered into two separate auctions: the first set one will be held in September 2023 and the second one end of Q4 2023.

The technical details of the September auctions (on each of France-Belgium and France-Germany borders separately) can be found on the JAO portal.

The details of the second auction (end of Q4) will be communicated at a later stage.


July 27, 2023