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Customers or authorised third parties can use this service in order to consult and download the data for the perimeters for which they have authorisation. The data available is as follows:

  • Raw and/or validated metering data;
  • Validated system data;
  • Raw and/or validated physical data;
  • Adjusted consumption and generation data.

Metering data

Metering data correspond to energy flows measure recorded by meters. The data available for each Metering Point is as follows:

  • Extracted average active power in kW,
  • Injected average active power in kW,
  • Extracted average reactive power in kVar,
  • Injected average reactive power in kVar.

A Metering Point is a physical point where the instrument transformers for metering the energy flows are located.

System data

System data is active and reactive energy data, corrected for transformation losses and losses over the line, used to invoice for the various components involved in invoicing access to the Public Transmission System (injection, extraction components, reactive energy, exceedances, etc.). Metering Data is used to calculate this data, by applying the calculation formula(s) to the Connection Point(s) for application of Transmission System Access Tariff described in the Special Conditions of the Public Transmission System Access Contract.

The data available for each Connection point / Merged Connection Point / Grouping Point is as follows:

  • Average active power in kW,
  • Average reactive power in kVar (validated data only).

A User's Connection Point(s) to the public electricity system coincide with the ownership boundary between the user's electrical installations and the electrical installations making up the public transmission system. For the application of tariff rules, several Connection Points can be considered merged or grouped together.

Physical Data

Physical data is the physical extraction (the site's total consumption) and the physical injection (the site's total injection/energy produced by the site's facilities) of active energy corrected for transformation losses and losses over the line. Metering Data is used to calculate this data, by applying the Energy Breakdown formulas for the Balance Responsible Party system described in the Specific Conditions of the Public Transmission System Access Contract ("Energy Breakdown formulas for the Balance Responsible Party system").

The data available for each Physical Calculation Point is as follows:

  • Injected average active power in kW,
  • Extracted average active power in kW.

A Physical Calculation Point is the elementary Energy Breakdown component for the Balance Responsible Party system. In particular, it can be used to calculate physical data and is identified by a “code décompte”, as well as an EIC code.

Adjusted consumption and generation data

Adjusted consumption and generation data correspond to physical data (see above) of consumption sites adjusted from data activated through market mechanisms not dependent on the responsibility of BRP’s site.

Data are calculated as follows:

Q = Quantity of energy extracted per site – NEB(s) BRE-site +/- Balancing Mechanism +/- NEBEF Mechanism +/- primary control energy +/- secondary control energy

  • Adjusted consumption = Q where Q >= 0
  • Generation of consumption sites = Q + inverted energy where Q < 0

The power generated by the consumption site thus includes the energy provided for within the framework of the NEB Site scheme which is not consumed, or the energy generated by the site, by co-generation, for example, and then injected into the perimeter covered by the Balance Responsible Party.

The data available for each Physical Calculation Point is as follows:

  • Adjusted consumption (extracted active power) in MW,
  • Generation (injected active power) in MW.

The data are updated in real time up until W+1 and then recalculated at W+1, M+1, M+3, M+6 and M+12.

A Physical Calculation Point is the elementary Energy Breakdown component for the Balance Responsible Party system. In particular, it can be used to calculate physical data and is identified by a “code décompte”, as well as an EIC code.

Viewing data

For metering data, physical data and system data, you can view for each point:

  • If your metering data is read over IP*: raw data in 5-minute increments in less than 30 minutes, for periods of up to 3 days.
  • For all metering types: validated data in 5-minute increments for metering and physical data and 10 min for network data, from D+1 to 8am, over a maximum period of 3 days.

Raw data correspond to data recorded by the reference meter, without RTE modifying it, and on which linear combinations have eventually been applied.

Validated data are data used for invoicing and market transactions certification. They are eventually replaced due to incorrect or unavailable data. Replacements are based on contractual provisions.

The log of viewable validated data starts on 28 February 2017. This log continuously increments and will allow viewing data on a 5-year rolling basis and 3 months for raw data.

For adjusted consumption and generation data, you can view them in 15-minute steps from 1 June 2024 and 10-minute steps for a date prior to 1 June 2024, from D+1 at 9am (validated data), for periodes of up to 16 days. Moreover, you can display on the same graph the physical data of the same Physical Calculation Point.

For each type of data, you are able to choose and compare:

  • Two different points by clicking on « Compare to another metering point / connection point / physical calculation point » (except for adjusted consumption and generation data)
  • Two different periods by clicking on « Compare to another period »

Filters related to Metering Points, Connection Points and Physical Calculation Points display EIC codes (Z-type) associated with each object, in addition to the internal RTE identifiers available via the particular conditions of the CART contract. For information, the EIC codes are intended to replace the internal RTE identifiers in order to standardize RTE data exchanges with external parties.

An Energy Identification Code (EIC) is used to uniquely identify all actors (X-type) and objects (Z-type) of the energy market at European level. This is an ENTSO-E / ENTSO-G standard, chosen by RTE to homogenize the identifiers relating to your data.

Graph legend

The detailed legend provides information on the quality of the data.

The raw data may have the following quality codes:

  • A04 As provided: Data as recorded in the reference counter, without RTE modifying it.
  • A05 Incompletelegende1.png: Data calculated in spite of the absence of at least one metering data used in the linear combination (eg calculation of the physical data) and / or in the arithmetic mean for the calculation of the restitution interval (eg calculation of the 5-minute interval from the 1-minute interval).
  • A02 Not availablelegende1.png: Data not available when the meter is being read

Validated data can have the following quality codes:

  • Z01 Validated: Validated data for invoicing and certification of market transactions
  • A03 Estimatedlegende2.png: Data that have been replaced and not yet validated
  • A02 Not availablelegende1.png: Data not available when the meter is being read

For the validated metering data only, a reason code is associated with each quality code and makes it possible to obtain more precise information, in particular in the event of replacement of value:

  • Z13 Raw: data validated in the state (no change compared to the raw data)
  • Z07 Linear interpolation: Data interpolated automatically, due to data error or unavailability
  • Z08 Replacement algorithm: Data replaced by an algorithm, due to data error or unavailability
  • Z09 Manual Replacement: Manually overwritten by RTE teams due to data error or unavailability
  • Z14 Replaced by zero: Data replaced by a zero value, due to data error or unavailability
  • Z12 Questionable value: Data identified as questionable by the meter
  • Z10 Power outage: Data measured during a power outage
  • Z11 Synchronization: Measured data during an updating of the meter clock (point to be interpolated if the subscribed power is exceeded)
  • Z04 Not acquired : Data not collected

Export your data

Download your data by clicking on the button “Download” or on the icon in the top right-hand corner of the graph.

Validated data are exported on a period of up to 32 days, except for raw data (metering data over IP) on a period of  up to 3 days.

The exported data are in UTC times (two hours interval during summertime and one hour during wintertime compared to the French time) and are for the period you have selected using the filter.
Data is exported in .CSV format and can be viewed using Microsoft Excel.

Files are generated by power type and by data status (raw / validated) for each Metering Point / Connection Point / Physical Calculation Point.
They are named as follows:

<Point code>_<Data type>_<Data status>_<Power type>_<Start date>-<End date>.csv

Data type is “Cpt” (metering data), “Sys” (system data), “Phy” (physical data) or “Adj” (adjusted consumption).

Data status is “Brut” (raw) or “Valide” (validated).

Power types are the following ones:

  • EAI : injected active power
  • EAS : extracted active power
  • ERI : injected reactive power
  • ERS : extracted reactive power
  • EA : active power
  • ER : reactive power

Please note

The access rights of users in your companies to view private data are managed on a per-data type basis (metering data, system data, physical data) and on a per-status basis (raw and/or validated). These rights can be configured by any administrator via the "Administration” tab on the "Groups" page.

If your account is linked to several companies, a filter is available for selecting the company for which you want to view data.


* Data stored by the meters is remotely read via a telecommunications network. The interface technology used can either be STN (long-established fixed-line telephone network: your meter is connected up to a telephone switch by a pair of powered cables in local loop configuration), or IP (Internet Protocol: you have a digital meter and an IT network communications protocol).